Anyone who knows me should (hopefully) know that I am not overly whiny. I also don't (usually) exaggerate my situation. Unfortunately, I don't think that my mother understands this. For 6 years, any time I have complained, whined, or even just, in passing conversation, mentioned that my kids have been difficult, I have received the same response. "I gave birth to 3 children and had 10 more daycare kids on top of that, so you have nothing to complain about." Seriously, this was the standard response to any child oriented remark I made, even when it wasn't aimed at her. So, after adding our foster child, I made sure to keep as many of my comments away from her hearing. Still, I heard, occasionally, when I would mention how nice a vacation without kids would be, that she had 3 kids and 10 daycare kids with no vacations, and therefore I had no room to complain. Jump forward to this weekend, with all 3 kids staying at her house while Steve and I got away. Just Friday night through Sunday midday. We dropped the kids off at about 4:30 pm and went and had a wonderful evening. (More on that later) At breakfast the next morning, I called her to see how the kids were doing. Keep in mind she has had them for 18 hours at this point. Her response? "I don't know how you do this every day. It's been more than I can handle; I had to send A**** with your dad, I couldn't handle it." Finally, I am vindicated. I have earned her respect (and apologies) for doing something she cannot. Yay seems understated for how I feel about this, but YAY! anyways!