Shhh, don't tell anyone, but....
...I'll share one of my resolutions with you guys. I haven't even told my husband this one. Don't you feel special?
I want to run in the PF Changs Rock 'N Roll marathon next January.
Ok, maybe not the full marathon. 26.2 miles, not very likely, at least with the shape I'm in right now. Or the shape I'm out of right now. But 13.1 miles in 4 hours? Maybe. Could be very possible, after all, I have a full year to prepare for it.
Now, as to why I haven't told anyone I don't actually know? I'm not positive I can do this, and I don't want to be laughed at, or pushed towards it. I want it to be me, my decision, and that is easier for now as I train with no pressure. The closer I get to the marathon, the more I will know if it is something that I feel I can accomplish (or not). If I feel I can, then I will tell family and friends. Plus, I know that my blog is not a widely read one, it's more for me than anything else. Makes me feel better, anyways.
Your secret is safe with me, ma'am. Gorilla Bananas does not snitch on wives who run marathons without their husband's approval.
Gorilla Bananas, At
12:15 PM
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