2 Month Hiatus
Wow, what a relief. I am still alive.
Computer time is at an all time low, with school having started again for Ian. I volunteer in his class at least 3 times a week, and bring Lex along for the ride. She loves it, but I'm exhausted! Plus, soccer has now started, and I can say, for the first time ever, I am officially a soccer mom! The team mom, to be exact. Much more running around than I had previously thought.
I'm also on my second spring cleaning kick of the year. I know that in most of the country, it is fall, but here in Arizona, we have Spring 1 and 2, and a six month summer. My biological clock has been tricked by these mild(er) temperatures, and has convinced my brain that soon there will be new little birdies and bunnies, and April showers, so my house MUST be cleaned post haste! Stupid biological clock.
Of course, when I did spring cleaning number one, earlier this year, I didn't exactly get everything done before temperatures reached approximately the same as in Hell, so it is somewhat required. You'd think, then, that I would start by cleaning everything I didn't get to earlier this year. Hahahahaha, yeah right! That stuff is waaayyy too dirty at this point, so I'm sticking to stuff that only has 6 months worth of crapola. Those window screens are never gonna get clean. (Although, I did clean the actual windows today. Well, the front three, anyway)
I am going to attempt to blog slightly more that I have over the past 60-odd days, not like that will be too difficult. I'll also have to catch up on my blog reading, since I haven't read any of my favorite blogs for nearly as long as I haven't written. Yeah, I'm really on top of stuff, ain't I?
**Sidenote** Why you have to love kids. While cleaning said front windows, I decided to get out the ladder and wash the window above our front door. The bottom of this window is about 9 feet above the ground, so I have to get out the ladder to do this. I get said ladder out, set it up directly in front of the door, so that I don't have to lean very far. Before going out front (through the garage, I tell both kids, "Hey, don't go out the front door, I'll be up on the ladder." I climb up on the ladder and start washing all the grime off only to have my son open the door and ask, "Hey, mom, what did you say about the front door?" I'll have my response for him after the body cast comes off.
I hear about 'Soccer Mom's' and now I meet one! Haha... It's good you've had a break - sometimes you need a break from blogging... I'm sure the blogging community is all the better for you returning...
I'm here via Michele today so hello from her and hello from me! Enjoy your weekend.
Melody, At
4:48 PM
Nice to see you back - though I can't talk, I've hardly blogged at all for months. A complete lack of any interesting idea to blog on!
Anonymous, At
12:15 PM
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