Something happy, for a change.
**As a side note, December has yet to redeem itself. After flying back from the double funeral in Iowa, which took place a day after a major ice storm that caused the airport to shut down, us to have to drive up from Omaha, and the airline to lose our luggage and then return it to us soaking wet, we received even more bad news. An uncle of mine, only 47, had a heart attack last week Monday. My other grandfather was at the hospital visiting him and collapsed, and later started bleeding from the ears. We're waiting to hear about the CT results. Plus, my dads cat died. December still sucks. But here's something happy and creative from my 7 year old that might make you smile**
Ian, who is almost 8, came home from school the other day, excited as can be (and if you know a 7 year old, that can be REALLY excited) about a class assignment. They had to make up a new Christmas tradition. He then proceeded to tell me about the 'Pickle Present'. Get your mind out of the gutter, please!
You have an ornament shaped like a pickle, and on Christmas day mom or dad have to hide the ornament somewhere in the tree, and the first kid to find the ornament gets the 'pickle present', and extra gift, apparently for having the sharpest eyes, or being able to crush your little sister before she can get the ornament. (a scenario I see as exceedingly likely, given Lexi's size)
He asked if we could make that a tradition, and I replied with, 'only if I am able to find an ornament shaped like a pickle.' Yep, I found a pickle ornament, first time I looked. $3 at Target. People use pickles on a Christmas tree?! Or, is a 'pickle present' really a tradition and I've just been missing out? Either way, Tuesday morning my kids will be hunting for a pickle in a Christmas tree.
I hope that you and your family had a good Christmas and that 2008 brings some good news!
Anonymous, At
3:37 AM
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