The waiting game
I finally went to the principal today to request a classroom change for Ian. Yesterday was the last straw, when she was waaayyy too angry for something as small as ripping a piece of paper that didn't belong to him. (he found it outside on the playground after school, and she thought that this was enough to drag him over to me and inform me that since he didn't try to find out who the paper belonged to, since there was no name, now a child has hurt feelings. And she was genuinely angry!)
I am aware of my child's faults. I know that he probably shouldn't have ripped something that wasn't his. But he is 6. Did she really expect him to ask all the kids on the playground if these paper glasses belonged to anyone? Seems a little odd, and blown out of proportion to me, especially on the anger part.
We'll hear the decision on Monday. The principal asked for enough time to talk to the teacher, and observe the class a little on Monday. I'll wait, but only that long. I think that it has gone on long enough.
an interesting by the way, I talked to another mom from his class after my meeting. She informed me that another student was pulled from the school because they would not let him change classes, and then she told me that she is pulling her son out next week because of the teacher as well. Think it's just a coincidence??
I can honestly say that I have been there and done that and I am feeling so angry for you. In my case, it was the Language Arts instructor who gave us the problem. For all of the classes except the specials and Language Arts, they have a Home Room teacher..the main teacher. My daughter would come home in tears nearly every day. I would email the teacher, just to find ot what was going on and she was always so defensive. Like you I had heard negative things about this woman. I talked with the homeroom teacher and she said there was nothing they could do. It all continued, so I went to the principal..and was told the same thing. My daughter started begging me not to make her go to school. So I went to the board. The entire time, I kept a log on everything going on, and printed out the emails that went back and forth. That was what did it. I'm so sorry you have to go through this...but don't give up. If you don't get the results you want, go higher...and have the info to back up what you are saying. Keep a log of everything..what your child tells you, what conversations you have with the teacher, even if your response might not be good at times. It lets them know that you are accounting for everything.
I wish you luck. It's so sad that it has to be like that isn't it?
I'm here via Michele's but I'm so glad I came. Hang in can do it. You are the voice for your child.
Anonymous, At
3:46 PM
Good luck with it. It's very worrying if you feel your child isn't being treated fairly. My boys are fathers themselves but I would still get up in arms if one of them were being treated badly. And they, of course, would die of embarrassment:)
Pat, At
3:56 PM
That is so difficult, I know, my oldest has had a few personality conflicts with teachers at the elementary school & high school level, currently I'm finding out that just because she got along with a certain teacher does not mean her younger, by 6 years sister, will too. Though I admit, nothing as serious as what you're going through.
Anonymous, At
3:59 PM
Good luck! Hope everything works out - here via Michele.
scrappintwinmom, At
6:38 PM
Sounds like the teacher is a little too retentive for her own good.
You are such a great advocate for him. Keep following your heart, as I know you know you know you're doing what's best for him.
carmilevy, At
9:28 PM
Hope you get things sorted out soon. Thanks for coming to visit my blog :-)
Bobkat, At
6:39 AM
Wow ... maybe this is why the teacher left the high school grades for the elementary grades. I can't imagine this woman teaching a classroom full of 15 year olds!
Perhaps you and the other two mothers should jointly approach the principal about the situation with the teacher. Make it clear that there's a serious problem.
There's no way that your son should have to be in a class where he's being bullied by both another student AND the teacher.
~, At
7:23 AM
Same teacher? Gee wonder if something is wrong with her. I hate it when schools won't help out
Unknown, At
10:05 AM
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