Hope the browser issue isn't here today!
Apparently this format/whatever is only viewable from some browsers, so if you can't see this, well, I guess you can't read this part. Sorry! But if you can, lucky you. I'm just sitting here bored as can be, and thought I'd post something that I encountered (sort of) the other day.
Hubby informed me that if I don't tell him how much money he can spend, I don't get a Christmas present. I felt so weird, telling him how much he has to spend on me; I almost felt greedy! Then, I came up with a figure that I thought was reasonable and not-as-greedy-as-I-could-have-been, and he said he needed more because what he wanted to get me was something like 5x the amount! Now, he could spend that if he wanted, but I didn't spend that much on him, so I feel guilty. I did get him some really nice stuff, but I got it all on sale, or earlier in the season, so it didn't add up to as much. Now, I really don't want to tell him not to spend that much, because I do like jewelry, but at the same time, I really don't need it, and we could probably use the money for other stuff, like taking his parents out to the Teppanyaki restaurant while they are here from North Carolina. What would you do?
let him buy you whatever he wants. it sounds like something he knows you will love.
michele sent me.
barbie2be, At
3:57 PM
He does have EXCELLENT taste in gifts for me, from vehicles to jewelry to even clothes. Yes, he can pick out clothes for me that I love!
Azgreeneyes, At
3:59 PM
Just enjoy what he buys you. Don't feel guilty...just ENJOY!
Michele sent me tonight.
Begered, At
9:30 PM
Now that's a very difficult questions to answer, Karen. So much depends on your income level and such but if you're feeling guilty at the idea then it's probably too much money for a gift. I'm sure you'd recover eventually from the guilt though and the jewelry would still be around so there's no downside either way. On one hand you have no-guilt, on the other hand you have temporary guilt and a permanent shiny thing.
Michele sent me to observe your moral dilemma, Karen.
utenzi, At
10:02 AM
Since I wear very little jewelry, and I am a parent - I vote for taking the parents out to eat when they visit, and getting a more reasonably priced gift.
Michele sent me.
kenju, At
12:41 PM
why don't I ever get asked such questions about putting limits on spending??? I'm having the same problems with blogger. Here from Michele's
sage, At
12:43 PM
There must be a browser issue...this comments page is the only thing I can atualy see (using firefox)
Here via mIchele's...will try in a bit with another browser..
Thumper, At
10:59 PM
Sounds like he knows what he wants to buy, I'd just let him get on with it!
Anonymous, At
5:12 AM
I hated it whenever I was asked that question as you can always use the money elsewhere unless you're a billionaire!
I think he should buy you what he had in mind and don't feel guilty about not spending the same - it's the thought that counts!
Here from Michele's.
Bobkat, At
9:30 AM
Firefox can't see you!
I'd always go with the maxim that the gift that lasts (like jewelry for example) is a better bet than a meal that is forgotten about in a short while.
Anonymous, At
6:48 AM
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