No, really, this IS my life....

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

All the holiday hoo haha...

Ever notice that, around the holidays, your family goes a little (read: lot) nuts? Maybe it's just mine, but I look at the upcoming holidays with a cringing feeling of happiness. I'm incredibly happy to see all of the family that can make the appearance, and I love catching up with them and seeing how kids have grown. The problem? For some reason, getting families together seems to equal drama on an unprecedented scale. At least, for our families, that is.

I can look forward to my sister and myself butting heads big time over who knows what, (we just always seem to; it usually only lasts a day, but it can still be pretty ugly) my brother managing to absolutely drive anyone with in earshot absolutely nuts, and my mother freaking out, drunkenly proclaiming that it is all her fault, if only she were a better mother...

And then there's hubby's family. They are even worse! We have family fights that can escalate to a physical beat down, depending on which family members join which side, affairs that rear their ugly heads (apparently this year is Thanksgivings turn!) and the blame game on a HUGE scale! That's not including any drunken ramblings/speeches/unwanted come-ons.

Is it any wonder that at times we would prefer to just go down to the local Chinese buffet and have a quiet meal? Yes, I know I sound like Scrooge, but really, you should see all the drama. Tends to over shadow the true reason for the holidays and why family comes together.


  • Sounds frightening. This is why I hate all te hoopla that surrounds holidays. Life would be so much simpler if we didn't all have massive expectations come holiday time.

    I'd just as soon stop having One Big Family Get Together around a major holiday, and instead try to break it up into smaller visits the rest of the year.

    Dropped by from Michele's. Good to e-see you again!

    By Blogger carmilevy, At 3:31 PM  

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