Resolutions, anyone?
I had no intention of making any new year's resolutions this year. I know that the likelihood of looking like Jessica Biel in a bikini is not going to happen just because I resolve at the first of the year. Man, but I do wish it would, though!
But, sitting there at my sister in laws house New Year's eve (absolutely horrid, we have since cut her out of our lives, but that is another story!) I accidentally made 3 resolutions, and I think that I will make an effort to stick with these ones:
1. Enjoy being a wife to my husband
2. Enjoy being a mother to my two wonderful kids
3. Enjoy being myself. Really, I'm not such a bad person, so maybe I should try being happy with who I am.
However, if the weight-remover fairies do come by, I am ok with them taking 16 pounds or so!
I think they are great resolutions and I'm sure they're ones you'll keep :)
Thanks for dropping by and commenting. I hope you're having a good weekend.
Anonymous, At
2:57 PM
That is a very healthy attitude, Karen. You will have a better chance of losing those pounds if you are not so desperate for it.
Michele sent me.
kenju, At
3:02 PM
Well from your photo you don't look like you need to lose over a stone but I'm sure that Kenju is correct that you are more likely to lose the pounds if you do it just by a gentle readjustment of eating habits rather than a crash diet. Anyhow good luck.
Anonymous, At
4:26 AM
Good resolutions! Plus, 3 is an easier number to handle (unless it's the age of your child...)
Michele sent me.
Anonymous, At
9:07 AM
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