But I don't wanna!!
I'm bored. Bored, bored, bored, bored, bored. Hubby is still at work, putting in a 12 hour day, and the kids and I have finished dinner. If I were a good housewife, I would have already started the dinner dishes, or I would be doing laundry or vacuuming or something. Ha. I don't wanna! (Picture a 3 year old with her fingers in her ears, and there's your visual of my attitude.) I should be picking up the living room, or bathing the kids, or even reading to them, but, again, I don't wanna! They were evil children today, arguing over EVERYTHING! I kid you not, my 3 year old daughter even got into a fight with her pink stuffed moose. Yes, folks, nowadays, stuffed animals can instigate an argument and then call names. So, I feel the need for a break. What I really want is a big ass bowl of cookie dough ice cream, the kind that is sitting in my freezer mocking me, but I won't give in. Damn, when did I get willpower?? Hope none of you have regressed to the pre-school age!
Great post. And thanks for visiting my blog. I have a had several of those days lately. Recently we also decided to homeschool all three of our kids and I am wondering what the FLIP we were thinking. Just remember...tomorrow is a new day...
BTW, I loved on your profile that you can't wait to be forty becuse they will be out of the house! Hilarious. Be careful though...kids do come back home! :)
Anna, At
3:09 PM
I just turned 40 and my nineteen year old is still home. Don't count your chickens just yet! LOL
Thanks for visiting !
JustSue, At
8:51 PM
Karen, are you kidding? I regress all the time - but then I snap out of it. I still haven't got willpower, though, so I go to the freezer all too often.
Michele sent me.
kenju, At
7:25 AM
Oh god. I'm nearly 40, which means if I ever get around to having kids (which I probably won't) I will be an old-age pensioner before they leave the house!! Isn't that a scary thought?!
kimbofo, At
9:28 AM
I don't know if I'd call your situation regression. As long as I've known you, you've had your fingers in your ears while saying "I don't wanna". I think I should try it. Any pointers?
ticklemepink, At
11:04 AM
Regressed? I'm not sure I can regress into a natural state.
Great post!
Hi from Michele's.
chrysalis, At
12:17 PM
Wow, you just describe my house 3 days ago. Thank goodness my kids are cute or they may have not made it to the age they are now.
Loved the fight with the stuffed animal. I know you pain.
A Army Of (Cl)One, At
12:24 PM
I didn't regress into school age; I never got out of it.
Jean-Luc Picard, At
12:35 PM
Where should I send that bottle of vodka ?
Michele sent me ; hoping you'll have a great weekend ...
Just a trumpet player, At
12:40 PM
I think your kids have been drinking from the same bottle of squabble soda that my kids have.
I think I have enough cookie dough for all of us. I'd be happy to share.
carmilevy, At
7:43 PM
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