The verdict is in.
I will be pulling Ian out of his school either tomorrow or Wednesday. The principal was unwilling to make the switch for various reasons, until she realized that her teacher had broken the law and given me private information about another child. Right after I told her that, she was willing to have him change classes, provided that I don't talk to any parents about any of this. Hmmm.....Don't think so, lady.
Will it be easy for you to find another school for your son, that is close by?
By the way thanks for your comment on The Grand Canyon post. I guess you had a similar reaction on your wedding night :-)
Paste, At
6:46 AM
wow, just like that huh? Its great that you can change his schools like that, I live so rurally that it would be a very big deal to try to change my kids to annother school. At least your wait for a decision is over & you can move on with your lives now!
Anonymous, At
4:18 PM
Oh. Good. Lord.
Pulling your son out is drastic, but if this teacher shared information with you about another student it's the right thing to do. Obviously she's more than a little incompetent. I would get the school to pay for tutors to make up for what your son may be lacking in knowledge of the cirriculum as a result of the teacher's lack of control in the classroom and the lack of learning he's been able to do due to her bullying.
~, At
8:07 AM
trying to cover their asses now. lol
Unknown, At
10:06 AM
So what's happened over the last week, any news?
Anonymous, At
1:33 PM
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