I'm. So. Tired.
Since Saturday, I have laid tile, grouted tile, painted bedrooms and halls, scraped popcorn ceilings, and various little other tasks. Tomorrow, I'm going to learn how to remove all the shingles off of the roof. I may be more tired tomorrow night!
When you're finished, come and do my house! Please?
I saw your comment about Marilyn Monroe at Michele's. Marilyn was a size 14 at the height of her popularity, not a size 10.
kenju, At
1:23 PM
Wasn't sure about her size, but I know that she was a beautiful, full figured woman. To me, size isn't such a huge thing in relation to beauty, which is why I picked her.
Azgreeneyes, At
5:12 PM
So I guess hubby is doing the washing, cleaning, school run, dishes, making the beds etc etc??????????
Paste, At
12:18 PM
Nope, I did all that as well; he's in school at nights, so we don't see him from Monday night until Friday night. Just me and the kids holding down the fort!
Azgreeneyes, At
7:59 PM
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