Home for the holidays
My wonderful husband has managed to get a four day weekend for this Labor Day weekend; I'm so thrilled! His boss forced him to take today off, since he has not had vacation yet this year, and is in fact working 50+ hours each week on top of being back in school. Which means, family wise for us, we don't see him from Monday night through Friday night. The kids (and myself) are really missing him, so this forced four days of togetherness will be good for us all. As long as we don't kill each other, that is.
Plus, this weekend, I believe that my dad is coming out here for a day or two. He's in Cali for my cousins wedding, and thought he might stop by on the way back to Iowa. This will be another added bonus, as he plays in a softball league, and I just joined a softball league. What was I thinking?!? Years ago, I played softball, and was actually damn good at it. Our team took the championship that year, I almost got my nose broken at shortstop, but still managed to make the play and then come up to bat later that inning. I loved softball, but then we moved to Arizona and everything was so different. So, remembering all the fun I used to have, I joined, along with my neighbor. Again, what was I thinking?!? I am not so athletic anymore. I've gotten lazy in my stay at home mom job. So, with my dad out here, I can get even more assistance getting back into the 'swing' of things. (pun intended) On the good side, at least I can still catch and throw really well. I just need some batting practice.
I can understand... Since I got the computer esp blog I spend more time here then doing the atletic stuff though it was never my thing anyhow
hi from Michelle
November Rain, At
11:41 AM
I always stunk at baseball. Sad, since I'm Venezuelan and it's kind of our thing.
I have no doubt you'll be 'killing each other' this weekend. I just spent an entire summer doing an internship and hiding from the Mrs.
nice to meet you. here via michele today
Prego, At
1:02 PM
Here from Michele.
It has been so long since I played anything, I wouldn't remember how.
Today has been a "waiting to see if Ernesto is going to flood us out" day. We were in the right front quadrant and it rained at least eight inches in about six hours. The street was flooded, still is a bit and it got to within six feet of the garage door. Poor people on the street had floating cars. In picking up the yard debris, I found three landscape timbers, lots of styrofoam and about a dozen apples. I don't think anyone on this street has apple trees.
srp, At
2:11 PM
Yay! I have an extra-long long weekend, too! I hope yours with your husband is a great one... Good luck with the baseball!
Cheers from Michele's!
NetChick, At
5:30 PM
I hope that you have a nice 4 day weekend. You will get back inot the softball thing pretty quickly!
Michele says hi!
Tracie Nall, At
7:50 PM
Good Luck with the softball! I'm sure the only thing I could contribute to an athletic team is comic relief!!
jsdaughter, At
9:10 PM
I just may be the one to provide the comic relief if the other girls are any good. But I had to try. I'm supposed to set an example for both our kids, so we'll see!!
Azgreeneyes, At
9:19 PM
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