Reality of a Budget
So, as I had posted before, last week my fortune cookie blasted me about making a budget and sticking to it. Nosy cookie. But I had to laugh, because the reality is, I'm a pretty damn frugal person. We rarely eat out anymore; even last weeks Chinese was paid for by my mother as a thanks for helping us. We only bought our new house because we walked into it with $30,000 in automatic equity and we could rent our previous house out for $300 more a month than our mortgage payment. My truck that hubby got me last year for our anniversary? Almost $10,000 under price because it was a dealer buy back. Plus, I "rent" it out to people who need hauling done, along with my muscle, with some months manages to at least bring in the payment, plus gas expenses. My favorite buy, most recently, though, was this weekend.
When we bought this new house back in October, it did not have a refrigerator. We left our fridge in our previous house because we could get more for rent in a house with all the appliances. We have been borrowing a friends 'garage fridge' for the last 4 months, and while it has worked and was free, it was little, and our friend was starting to need it back. I came across the fridge that I have been looking at for the last year, a stainless-steel-freezer-on-bottom-dual-door-fridge in the scratch and dent section of an appliance store. 60% off. I looked and looked and looked some more, and the ONLY issue was a small (1 inch) scratch on the freezer door handle. I brought hubby back a couple hours later to take a look and see if he could find anything else wrong with it, but nope, that was it. We had been planning to buy a fridge like this mid-summer or so, but with the discount, we grabbed it right then, and voila, it was delivered yesterday morning. I am sooo in love with it. I don't have to stoop anymore to look for items in the fridge, no more buying or making ice, as there is a built in ice maker. Filtered water on the door means my kids can help themselves without drinking all my water bottles. Plus, the best part? Since we had budgeted the full amount, I now have the balance to buy a dishwasher, mid-summer, and it is not going to run us anything more than we had already planned on spending this year! I love finding deals like this!
Remember in high school when we'd go shopping and all our fridge in the garage consisted of was.... eggrolls, pizza pockets, and frozen green chile from NM. Now that's a fridge!!!
ticklemepink, At
1:16 PM
I want some green chile stew with some homemade tortillas...YUM!
Azgreeneyes, At
7:56 PM
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