What a day. This lovely morning started with hubby waking me up, asking for my help. Hmmm, wonder what on Earth he needs help for at 6:45 Tuesday morning. Walk out into hallway and see the answer immediately. One of our wonderful doggies had a 'little' accident ALL over the walk-area by the kitchen leading into the front room. And it needed cleaning up. He did help to wipe up some of the runny brown mess, but it was me on hands and knees scrubbing the foul-smelling stains at 10 til 7. I had to take Ian to school and Tuesday is my day to volunteer in the classroom, so I made sure that the areas were nice and moist so that no stain could set, and decided to pick up a carpet cleaner once I was finished at the school. Picked up my three year old from my mother's before getting the carpet machine, and ended up taking my 18 month old nephew so that my mom could rest. (she's feeling a little yucky, and I am a wonderful daughter!) We get the cleaning machine picked up, I get both kids fed and down for naps and start in on the carpets. Now, mind you, I've used this type of machine multiple times before, and never had a problem. That wasn't to be the case this time. About halfway through, the water hose (that is under pressure) pops off of the power wand and begins spraying water like an unmanned fire hose. I dive to get the machine shut off, and then survey the mess; most is on me, and some puddles on the carpet and tile. I figure that it wasn't attached securely, so re-secure it (good) and proceed to clean up the mess and start again. 5 minutes later, it happens again, only it takes me longer to get to the machine and shut it off, so a MUCH larger mess, and a much more unhappy me. So, once the kids wake up and I pick up Ian from school, we will be returning the machine BACK to the store, and I had better get a new one AND the chemicals replaced, because I used the last of them in the tank that I have to dump out in order to return the machine. In the mean time, I'm off to find me some chocolate!
Ah the joy of having dogs, been there done that! :-)
Paste, At
2:01 PM
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