What a weekend!
Thanks to the Fourth of July holiday today, my husband had a four day weekend. My parents went out of town, so we took care of their pool, making sure the chlorine was right, and Hayward the pool cleaner thingy didn't get clogged,(he did) watering their plants and feeding the birds and fish. Steve's cousin just moved out here from Jersey, so we spent half the weekend visiting with him and his dad. We ended up having them over to my parents, since we don't have a pool, and it's too damn hot here. It was an absolute blast. I'm exhausted from three days straight in the pool, and my kids are walking zombies. I seriously think that Ian was asleep before his head hit the pillows. We didn't go see any of the fireworks; I have to say that it has become way too commercialized: $10 to get in, $4 for a water bottle, banners advertising any and everything. Plus, being out in the heat surrounded by 100,000 other people with pissed off, screaming kids yelling for the fireworks to start NOW isn't my idea of a holiday. Instead, I enjoyed my freedom to do absolutely nothing productive in the usual sense. Instead, we spent time with our kids and family. Best way to spend a holiday, in my book!
Amen, sister! I stayed home with my munchkin and lit a few fountains and then walked up to the neighborhood hill and had the view of both cities. I think the 4th needs to be more about being thankful that we are Americans and we have the ability to enjoy our lives. Rather than give into Corporate America and all the shit they can sell.........
ticklemepink, At
2:51 PM
Hey what's wrong with all the Patriotic stuff?
Rachel, At
12:21 PM
The patriotic stuff I'm ok with. Remember, my husband is a Marine, so we are defininitely in the Patriotic camp...It's the commercialization of patriotism I have an issue with.
Azgreeneyes, At
2:42 PM
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