What was I thinking?!?!?
See, I have a myspace account as well, and I was bored to death yesterday, so I started searching for people I knew, long ago. =) Well, genius that I am, I decided to look for Ian's dad's side of the family. We aren't together, and in fact haven't seen each other since I was 5 months pregnant with Ian. Ian has never seen his biological father. But that's not why I was looking for his family. Ian has never lacked a father figure. Steve has been there since before Ian was even a year old, and has filled inks need better than I could have imagined possible. Steve is inks true daddy, period. But I did have to tell Ian, that, long ago, when he was in my tummy, he was going to have a different daddy named *****. But that daddy wasn't ready to be a daddy, so he left and we went daddy shopping, and found Steve. (I was explaining this to a barely 5 year old. I thought the explanation was pretty good) Ian accepted that, easier than I thought he would. But every once in a great while, he asks where ***** is. I really haven't been able to answer that. But I found *****'s sister on myspace, and sent her a message. Again, what was I thinking?? I probably should have left well enough alone.
Hmmm! Tricky one not sure what the right course of action was there. Good luck.
Paste, At
3:46 AM
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