Sorry, gentlemen...
...But this rant is some what generalizing. I have to ask, what is it that makes so many men think that they are technically capable; Mr. Fix-It or whatever you want to call it?! This stems from a 'duh! that my sisters ex did last week. Now, he lives just around the corner from us, and a lot of the days that he has my nephew, he'll bring him over to play. Well, I guess he was bored last time. See, I disconnected the cable. I was tired of the 2 boys being GLUED to the set, watching crap, or complaining that there was nothing to do if the tv was off. So, mean mommy emerged, and called the cable co, and bye bye Nickelodeon. But, I guess he didn't get the idea the the cable was VOLUNTARILY disconnected, because he proceeded to try to hook-up the cable again (illegally) which he couldn't do, because the video feed was shut off. Duh #1. But, he did manage to rip off the coaxial cable connector on our relatively new (< 1 year old) 53" tv. How the hell are we supposed to re-connect the cable when I'm done teaching the lesson if there is no connector!?!? Duh #2. But, the worst was, he didn't even tell us. He left a little bit later (and hasn't called since!) no comment on the connector. How did we know it was him? He is the only one that has been behind that tv since the thing came to live with us. Who else could have done it? Ok, rant over. I don't think I bruised too many egos!
53" - 'strewth!' is there room for anything else in the room?
Paste, At
12:36 AM
Actually, yeah, we have a rather large front room! (2 chaise-style couches, a large ottoman, and enough room left over for 3 kids and 200 pounds worth of dog to play!)
Azgreeneyes, At
8:49 AM
That's a heck of a big dog! Have you posted on him/her I can't remember. If not lets see some pictures.
Paste, At
12:05 PM
Not one dog, 2... Both are Sharpei/Lab/Shepherd mixes...Although one is black, the other is golden...
Azgreeneyes, At
12:47 PM
You forgot to add the 115 lbs of ass that follows you around. Remember a ghetto booty does take up space too!!
ticklemepink, At
3:03 PM
Shut up...It's not 115, and my husband happens to like my ghetto booty! (for those who don't know, that just means my ass has some shape, unlike someone else's flat PINK ass!)
Azgreeneyes, At
7:53 PM
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