It's been awhile, but I have good reason. The majority of my friends live out of state now, which has led me to be a very lonely Karen. Yeah, I've made friendly overtures at people, but I like to think that I have high standards when it comes to introducing people to my family, so not many have lasted. Well, FINALLY, I have a friend here in Arizona that lives CLOSE to me!! Yeah, I sound like a dork. Oh well. We have new neighbors, and not only are they our age and share the same interests as us, but they have a five year old daughter, so they know what it's like! If our kids are crabby, they know how to either deal or ignore. They understand just how important that game of Chutes and Ladders is, and that our attention REALLY is required right away when someone wins the game. So now, the guys are going golfing on Saturday, and then later Jennie and I are leaving the kids with the guys and going shopping....Holy crap! This is so cool! Haven't had a friend like that since Alicia moved away...Miss her. Tobo, you'd get along with Jennie GREAT, I think. Can't wait to introduce you!
I'm pleased for you, we all need friends.
Paste, At
7:39 AM
I'm really happy that you made a friend but they better treat you like a friend........ Because my friends here are more mean and I don't want to have to bring them on my next visit. Also remember no matter how far away I am, I will always be your bestest friend that loves you unconditionally (and your family!)
ticklemepink, At
3:17 PM
Girl, you have known me through times I don't even want to acknowledge....You are the bestest there is, period. But, until you move your sorry NM ass back here, I don't have anyone else. She isn't you, and never will be as close, or as accepting of my nutty family!!
Azgreeneyes, At
3:21 PM
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