And the battle begins...
The Battle of the Binkies. Makes me shudder. And yet, here I am, waist deep in combat three year old. And at times, I'm fairly sure that she has the upper hand. Because, when she REALLY gets going on one of her binky-withdrawal fueled rages, I get desperate to make her stop. And in the past, I have caved. But today, I stood my ground. I took all the binky's and I hid them. No, I didn't throw them (which I should have) because the thought of dealing with these rages all through the night gives me the cold sweats. I don't have a problem if she sleeps with them. As soon as she falls asleep, I put them on her dresser. But I hate that she walks around ALL day with the damn things in her mouth. So, like I said, I hid them. And the tantrum that ensued was horrific. She screamed non-stop for over an hour. Not just for the binkys, but about her toe hurting, and that the song on the radio wasn't her favorite, and that the boys looked at her, and so on and so on. This continued to my nephews house, where I had to drop off the router, clear out to Grandma's house, where I headed when I realized I needed reinforcements. And, I won. (sort of) She finally stopped screaming and went back to her usual sunny personality, clear until nap time, when she started again in the car on the way home. And I was able to squish it with the simple comment that if she continued to scream, she wouldn't have her binky for nap time. Hey, I'll take what quiet I can get!
What in gods name is a binky?
Paste, At
12:28 PM
A binky is a pacifier, babies suck on them
Azgreeneyes, At
9:04 PM
Ah, now that makes sense! Here they are called 'dummies'.
Paste, At
8:46 AM
I'd have to say that here, I'm the dummy for giving her them!!
Azgreeneyes, At
11:25 AM
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