I do hope that the person who created wallpaper, especially the 6 inch BORDER paper that does NOT come off, died a horrible death covered in wallpaper paste.
It took me 6 hours to remove the wallpaper border in one bedroom. Not even a huge bedroom, something like 12 x 12 and the equivalent of one wall was not even papered!
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AM, At
5:18 AM
The deleted was from me. I was signed in under my daughters name grrr. lol Anyway I was saying that it took my mom and me all day to take her wallpaper off. This is why i painted over mine in this house. lol
Unknown, At
5:26 AM
Ooh, you have reminded me of a similar border removal process that didn't end well. I recall the wall needing much repair after I went postal on it.
What's worse is you're working at the top of the wall, perched on some ladder with your head at the precise point where the heat rises and sticks to you like beggars in Shanghai. Sweatiness only begins to describe it.
No wonder I hate redecorating!
Apologies for being a stranger of late. This career change is throwing my blogging for a loop. It's a rockin' good time being out on my own, but I've had to let blog surfing lapse while I keep my nose to the grindstone.
Ah, the fun!
carmilevy, At
6:00 PM
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