The ABC's of me
Because I am still fairly new at this blogging thing, I occasionally come across something else on another bloggers site, and feel the need to repeat it, with my answers, on my own site. This is one of those instances. Sorry again. I'm not always the most creative of people.
Accent: Midwest meets Southwest. Actually, until recent years, I thought everyone else had accents, and I didn't. Apparently, I was wrong.
Booze: Not big on alcohol, but when I do drink, I go for broke with tequila shots
Chore I Hate: laundry. Not the washing, but the folding. One basket of 2T and 3T clothes is the same amount as 3 baskets of my clothes!
Dog or Cat: Well, I like both, but we do have 2 huge doggies who would love to eat, I mean meet a kitty
Essential Electronics: My cell phone. I'm not sure how we got along without them before!
Favorite Cologne(s): Male? Not sure. Female? Either Victoria's Secret Divine or Bath and Body Works Moonlit Garden body splash
Gold or Silver: White Gold
Hometown: Des Moines IA, although I claim Phoenix, AZ more
Insomnia: All the time. I haven't found the off button for my mind yet.
Job Title: Domestic Engineer, or CEO and CFO of the R*** Family Enterprises
Kids: 3. 2 biological (ages 3 and 6) and a 10 year old foster child that may turn permanent drive me absolutely crazy
Living arrangements: 3 bed 2 bath home (owned) that really needs to be traded for a 4 bed house with more sq footage!
Most admirable trait: My goofiness, and ability to laugh at myself
Number of sexual partners: uhhh.....No Answer. I don't really get caught up in the past
Overnight hospital stays: Couple times. Once as a little kids, twice more recently with the births of my 2 kids. (2000, 2003)
Phobias: Spiders, bugs, insects, creepy crawly things...shudder!
Quote: "If you can't be kind, talk shit w/ your girlfriends or at least have the decency to be vague."
Religion: Undecided at the time being
Siblings: 4...2 half and 2 step
Time I wake up: usually 7:15. 7:30 if I'm lucky and the boys got themselves up and ready for school.
Unusual talent or skill: Uhhh...I haven't killed my kids or husband yet. Does that count?
Vegetable I refuse to eat: Squash. Period.
Worst habit: Interrupting others
X-rays: Yes. Teeth, intestines, wrist. Do ultrasounds count?
Yummy foods I make: Grilled chicken and Monterey Jack quesadillas, Homemade chicken nuggets and hand smashed potatoes, and (kids' favorite) pancakes and eggs and sausage
Zodiac sign: Libra
You got that homemade chicken nugget recipe from your mom, huh? I used to love those things.
ticklemepink, At
3:47 PM
Nope, totally different....I don't use the fryer, cause that's way too unhealthy!! Or maybe cause I don't have one.....
Azgreeneyes, At
6:09 PM
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