A Blogging Faux Pas?
I am sincerely hoping that I have not inadvertently committed a blogger faux pas.... Recently I have found several interesting blogs, and rather than searching for them, or putting them on my provider favorite list, I added them to my blog links. I didn't think to check if that was ok. Hopefully, they are not calling me all kinds of a jerk. If so, in my defense, I haven't learning blog etiquette, if there is such thing. Sorry!
Absolutely delighted to be linked to you, pop by whenever you like.
Paste, At
11:49 PM
Glad to hear that!
Azgreeneyes, At
11:31 AM
You're such a weirdo. Now I know why I'm you're friend......you followed me everywhere.
ticklemepink, At
3:43 PM
Yeah, that's why your a myspace freak and I'm still blogging! Thanks for telling me to blog. It's pretty therapuetic.
Azgreeneyes, At
6:12 PM
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